This is always a bit tricky, because it depends on your lawn, the way you look after it, the weather and whether you have access to water or not!
My general advice would be to only water when your lawn needs it, ie not to a set calendar program.
If you really need to water, our general rule for most domestic lawns is ‘one inch once a week’.
You can calculate the ‘one inch’ quite easily by taking a straight sided jar or container and mark a line 1 inch from the bottom; place it below your sprinkler and time how long it takes for water to fill the jar up to the line you marked - use this time from then on. if you fill anywhere above that line (or time) then you are wasting water. The ‘once a week’ part is also important as now you have filled up your soil profile with one inch of water you also need to allow the soil to dry out which it does from the top down. This encourages your roots to go deeper in search of water as the soil drys. Deeper roots means more drought tolerance means less watering means less water wasted.
Water in the morning before it gets too hot. Watering in the evening is ok too but can lend itself to encouraging disease. Watering in the middle of the day in direct sun can lead to scorch and a waste of water so should only be done in exceptional circumstances.
Yes - Whilst we can’t water for you, the application of wetting agents and other drought relief products and techniques (eg spiking or slicing) can be a real benefit and save a lot of time and water - we have a service visit called ‘drought stop’ which can help with this. Click on the link below to let us know your requirements.